I love Children (2018)

Challenge presented in the project.

Our client aims to educate young couples about the significance of Fertility Healthcheck. We’re required to craft a thought-provoking copy that grabs the attention of young couples while emphasizing the importance of fertility health.

How can we develop a visual theme that aligns with the client’s message while simultaneously appealing to the target demographic.

Additionally, we need to explore new and innovative ways to present the same message year after year while infusing fresh creativity and imagination into our visual themes. Our goal is to ensure that the message remains relevant and impactful while keeping up with the ever-changing trends and preferences of our audience.

How did we solve the challenge with the client?

At Animagine, we recognize that the development of an overall concept for a campaign is a critical component of success. For our latest project, we will update the messaging of the previous campaign while incorporating a superhero couple theme, aligning with the current trend.

The campaign will consist of four key posters displayed at the North East Line MRT platform, with design adaptations also featured within the train cabin.

Our team of experienced illustrators will devote their expertise and attention to detail during the design process, including developing compelling character designs, selecting appropriate fonts, creating captivating background designs, and determining optimal layouts.

At Animagine, our unwavering commitment to quality ensures the delivery of an impactful and visually stunning campaign that satisfies our client’s expectations.


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